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"After spending more than a decade studying numerous healing modalities and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on my journey, I would not have become certified in yet another modality if it didn't truly work easily, effectively, and permanently! Cognomovement is truly a revolution in the transformation of emotions held in the body."
"I just wanted to let you know the profound healing that has happened since you worked with my mother. She is back to being her old self. Her memory is back! It feels nothing short of a miracle! I'm so glad I did not give up on her. She was losing hope and had started to believe her mental health was due to old age. The doctors said her memory loss was dementia and cognitive decline because she is 81. She also had two concussions in the last year that affected her brain.
After one session of Cognomovement with you, things changed for both of us. The next morning, we both felt different. I got out of bed instead of lying there in a depressed state like I usually do. Things flowed effortlessly for me. My mom said she felt different too. My mother's caregivers could hardly believe how good her memory is now and how it has been since the session. The care givers love that they too are experiencing healing while doing the Cognomovement therapy with my mom. It's now on the caregivers daily list. We are all blown away! Thank you so much Ginny!"
Laura T.
Cognomovement is a mind-body system that combines ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science. It is designed to specifically change persistent patterns held within the subconscious mind and body.
Created in 2017 by Bill McKenna and expanded with the expertise of Liz Larsen, Cognomovement in its simplest form creates radical change firstly in the body, and subsequently the mind.
While it is a complex and complete system that helps the body create change within itself by changing the way the body and the brain talks to itself, the conversations between the two, the process of executing it is very simple.
One of the most remarkable things it does is to helps change our automated responses. Those things we do all the time, day in day out, our habits, persistent thoughts that just won't seem to go away; It deletes those thoughtforms residing in our subconscious mind and body. This is the core of what we do with Cognomovement.
But we discovered that it can do something more: During that process of releasing old automated response such as 'I should be worried,’ 'I should feel ashamed,’ or ‘I should be jealous’, we found that without that feeling in our body anymore regarding each particular issue, we no longer think those thoughts and a new level of awareness and perspective naturally emerges.
And that’s what Cognomovement does; it provides an easier way to propel ourselves to a whole new level of consciousness and awareness in our lives.
What can Cognomovement improve for you?
Mental Acuity
Physical Agility
Brain fog
Sexual Performance
Address Fears
"It has been my experience that it is highly uncommon to encounter a person whose perspective and actions in life reflect both the ability to embrace the highly spiritual/metaphysical and at the same time engage in the practical, harsh realities of the “heavy lifting” of basic survival in “real life.” Over the past ten years as I have walked the path with Ginny during her recovery from mis-diagnosis, opioid dependency and near-death to a fulfilling and highly functional life, I have come to respect her as being one of those special people. Her message about this path is simultaneously spiritually uplifting and grounded in the hard realities of life."
--Wayne Bennett, DC, DABCO
Arizona Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Past President, Arizona Association of Chiropractic
"I want to thank you again for helping me on Friday and for allowing me into the groups. Your sharing of your journey, experience, insights and knowledge, along with your immense heart (modeling unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, harmlessness) is a great gift to me and I believe everyone feels grateful as well. I have learned, remembered, faced and started healing in a way I did not know was available or possible. You have shined a light on pathways for healing each of us can walk in our own way and time should we choose to do so, and I feel safe having you guide, support and teach us. After your help, I am in a much better place. So much of what you share each week resonates deeply with me and opens new places for healing. I think of you, and hold you in a place of unconditional love."
-- Elissa W.
"I have been on a journey for many years now, seeking ways to elevate and connect more clearly spiritually so that I could purposely create healing within myself. I needed guidance and I found Ginny! I was drawn to her ability to communicate with animals and was excited to find out that she also works with people! She is not only exceptionally trained in multiple modalities, but her heart matches and exceeds her training. Ginny has a way of interacting with others in a way that creates a space of awareness, clarity, and openness, allowing for a great interaction. I really felt seen and heard, not just talked to. She included me and I felt welcomed. I highly recommend her work, especially those seeking an inner understanding of themselves, and of course their animals!"
--Heather R.
"Thank you for the words of support and encouragement. After you told me of the strong feeling that you received about my disbelief that I can heal myself, I started exploring that idea. I found it very interesting because consciously I do believe that I can heal myself. I am familiar with the research that proves this but I’ve been in medicine/nursing/dentistry for the past 40 years.
I just retired in August, so my basic belief is that if it’s genetic then it can’t be changed; Genetics is about 85% of our destiny and environment is the remaining 15%. That’s what I grew up believing! Now the work starts to dismantle that strong belief. I know that I will make progress.
Thank you for giving me a road map that I so desperately needed to progress. I was feeling a bit stuck, like I needed to do something more or different. It’s so early in the journey, but I just want to thank you again for the guidance and thank you for giving me hope again."
--Lisa G.
"Ginny is a very gifted healer - the "real deal." She is very intuitive and always spot on! She helped me and my husband very much and I would recommend her for any animal healing as well. She is exceptionally good with past life problems that are manifesting for you now and feels very clearly what is going on. I highly recommend her! I know a good energy healer when I feel one, as I am one too! You will not be disappointed!"
--Rita R.
"Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for Ginny’s help in my family. My beautiful boy has struggled with extreme anger and frustration for a few years now. One thing led to another and while we accomplished a lot on our own I realized I needed some help. This has been an incredibly traumatic time; we were at a point where he was having 5 or 6 major physical fits a day.
I knew this was beyond what I understood, and was guided to Ginny from another healer who thought she could help. Not only has Ginny been able to help us by successfully peeling back the layers needed to deeply heal and reconstruct our lives, she has provided me with the tools I needed to understand we are all capable of healing ourselves, and taught me that love is the strongest force in the Universe.
We are definitely on the path of healing and transformation. There are even days with no fits now and our quality of life has vastly improved. My son even told me he knows his soul purpose is about love, he is 5 by the way.
My son has realized he can communicate and hear animals. Because of Ginny, many doors have opened in our lives, and I am forever grateful. We are just a few of the many people this woman has touched and healed. Many thanks, Ginny! "
--Annetta K.
Additional testimony added later: "Ginny, I have my boy back! His temperament has cooled way down. He's been able to entertain himself, play, draw and allow me to work! Before when he would have freaked out over little things he's actually handling them today! Thank you.”
Ginny recently launched the podcast
Interspecies Evolution™ which
explores the evolution of human and animal consciousness.